This course will provide a practical approach to the diagnosis and management of patients with ILD. It will bring the most recent recommendations and guidelines into a usable strategy that will facilitate the care of patients with ILD. This will be accomplished through didactics, simulated MDD and panel discussion of difficult cases which will provide a range of learning methods to reach the largest number of learners.
CME credits and/or Certificates of Completion are not provided for this session.
1- Apply a consistent, effective strategy to ILD/IPF diagnosis
2- Understand the range of therapeutics available for ILD and how and when to prescribe them
3- Integrate a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to ILD patient care
Anna Podolanczuk, MD: Putting New Guidelines into Practice: Distinguishing IPF from Non-IPF ILD
Stephen Hobbs, MD: GGOs, Reticulations, Honeycombing: Using Radiologic Patterns in the Diagnosis of ILD
Kerri Ann Maria. Johannson, MD, MPH, ATSF: Is Tissue the Issue: When, Who, and How to Biopsy
Jonathan Kropski, MD: Telomeres, SNPs and Surfactants: What's the Role of Genetic Testing in ILD?
Toby M. Maher, MD, MSc, PhD: IPF Therapy: Which One, When, and Why?
Cheilonda Johnson, MD: Therapies for CTD-ILD: Moving Beyond Steroids
Sonye K. Danoff, MD, PhD, ATSF: The Nuts and Bolts of Monitoring Patients with ILD
Justin Oldham, MD, MS: Controversies in Therapy- NAC, PH, GERD, Stem Cells
Maryl Kreider, MD, MSCE, ATSF: Speed MDD: A Panel Presentation Putting It All Together
Ayodeji O. Adegunsoye, MD, MS: Speed MDD: A Panel Presentation Putting It All Together
Erin M. Wilfong, MD, PhD : Speed MDD: A Panel Presentation Putting It All Together
Lida P. Hariri, BS, MD, PhD, ATSF Speed MDD: A Panel Presentation Putting It All Together
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