Fluid And Vasopressor Resuscitation For Early Sepsis: When, Which, And How Much?

Fluid And Vasopressor Resuscitation For Early Sepsis: When, Which, And How Much?

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Session date: May 23, 2023

Hemodynamic resuscitation is a core element of sepsis management and a focus of guidelines and care bundles, yet the optimal approach to IV fluid administration and vasopressor use remains controversial. With growing concern about the harms of fluid overload, long-standing dogma is being challenged and practice is evolving towards fluid-sparing, early vasopressor strategies. This symposium will provide a comprehensive update on current controversies in hemodynamic resuscitation for sepsis, including discussion of brand new evidence addressing the timing and selection of fluids and vasopressors and strategies for real-world implementation.

• Understand best practices for early sepsis resuscitation that are informed by high-quality evidence
• Identify areas of early sepsis management for which high-quality evidence is lacking
• Learn about trials currently in the field that will bring more data to inform practice for resuscitation and early sepsis management

Ivor Douglas, MD, FRCP
Tine Meyhoff, MD
Elizabeth Munroe, MD
Pavan Bhatraju, MD
Chairat Permpikul, MD
Terra Hiller, BSN, RN

Too Much of a Bad Thing? Pathophysiology of Harm from IV Fluids and Vasopressors in Sepsis
A World of New Evidence: Fluid Volume, Choice, Timing, and Reversal in Sepsis Resuscitation - Presentation withheld at the speaker's request
Selecting and Adding Vasopressors in Septic Shock
Making it Personal: Individualizing Resuscitation Targets
Unintended Consequences: Understanding Effects of New Resuscitation Strategies on Patient Care Processes
Evidence to Practice: Teamwork Makes Resuscitation Work