Reigniting The Cancer Moonshot: ATS = Mission Control For Lung Cancer

Reigniting The Cancer Moonshot: ATS = Mission Control For Lung Cancer

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Session date: May 22, 2023

The ATS is a vital partner in NCI’s Cancer Moonshot. Lung cancer care and research will focus on efforts to reduce deaths from this deadliest of cancers through early detection and new molecularly driven diagnoses and targeted treatment. Taken directly from Moonshot version 2.0 the overarching themes of this symposium will focus on Expanding Use of Proven Cancer Prevention and Early Detection Strategies and Developing new enabling cancer technologies. Each speaker will discuss LC specific topics related to these themes including reducing disparities, increasing early detection and primary prevention, and the role of biomarkers along the continuum of care.

• Identify the critical role the NCI Moonshot will play in cancer detection and treatment research for years to come
• Recognize research gaps in detecting and treating lung cancer
• Identify ongoing efforts in tobacco control and early detection including screening and biomarkers to improve outcomes from lung cancer

Melinda Aldrich, MPH, PhD
Christopher Slatore, MD
Anne Melzer, MD, MS
Patrick Nana-Sinkam, MD

Reducing Disparities Across the Lung Cancer Continuum: Expanding Use of Proven Early Detection Strategies
Lung Cancer Screening: Harnessing the VA Enterprise to Expand Proven Early Detection Strategies
Tobacco Control and Treatment: A Major Key to Cancer Prevention
Precision Oncology for Lung Cancer: Developing New Enabling Cancer Technologies